April 28, 2007

I think I'm full ...

I think I'm full ...
Originally uploaded by akbandara.
Kanthika is 1 month old now but somehow it feels like he has been a part of our life for much much longer. Uthpala and I are finding that our days and nights a getting a litle blurred as we work our way from feed to nappy change and 3-4 hours of sleep. The little guy is slowly getting into a routine and sleeping solidly between feeds more often now so things are not so bad. This picture was taken just after one of his feeds and as you can see he might have taken in just a little too much :-)

It's all being put to good use though since he is growing by leaps and bounds. Already he's outgrown his first set of clothes and I noticed today that the second batch can't be considered 'too big' for him. Given that we were a little worried about how small he was at birth, this is great news.

Uthpala's mother has now gone back to Sri Lanka but my parents are still around to help us out as necessary. Our first 'fully solo' parenting experience is going to be in a couple of weeks time when we have to take Kanthika to the hopsital for his first vaccincation while my parents are away visiting some friends. Hopefully it will all go fine!

April 02, 2007

Kanthika Hasantha ...

We've known that a new chapter in life is on the horizon for the past 9 months, and finally on 27 March 2007 the moment arrived and our son was born. Kanthika Hasantha Bandara was born just before 11am at Milton Keynes General Hospital and has understandably become the centre of daily life for Uthpala and myself.

We are slowly getting used to a new routine where sleep has to be grabbed in 2-3hr slots whenever and wherever we can :-) Nevertheless, it is going to be quite a while before we can say we are 'in the groove' of parenthood. At the moment, every new experience, be it feeding, changing nappies or comforting our son when crying can be a challenge but nevertheless it is all an enjoyable experience. Needless to say our lives will never be the same again.

I have another week or so of paternity leave to look forward to getting know the little guy better and also helping Uthpala adjust to our new responsbilities. Thankfully we have parents staying with us at the moment so help is at hand whenever we need it.

Watch this space for news and developments - I can guarantee there will be lots!
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