September 30, 2007

Having fun ...

Having fun
Originally uploaded by akbandara.
Can't believe how fast time seems to fly by. Kanthika is now 6 months old (in fact 6 months + 4 days as I write this!) and it all seems such a blur. I guess it will only seem more so as time goes on and he's walking and talking .. at the moment his main activity is to roll over and over - sometimes getting into trouble by getting stuck on his back (or tummy) in some corner of his playpen.

The other day he managed to grab one of his cloth books as he rolled over and ended up with it accessorised onto his head (see picture) in a rather stylish pose. Lucky I had the camera handy :-)

September 08, 2007

Looking for Spot!

Looking for spot
Originally uploaded by akbandara.
Kanthika is 5 months 2 weeks old now and starting to take an interest in everything we grown ups do - from eating to reading. So the other day Uthpala gave him is own book to play with on his own, called "Where is Spot", which he really enjoyed.

He has been playing with cloth books for some time now but for the most part has been more interested in tasting them than trying to turn pages or look at pictures. Looking for Spot seems to have grabbed his attention though and this book wasn't subject to the taste test :-)