July 18, 2007

Big smile ...

Big smile
Originally uploaded by akbandara.
Although the little guy has been smiling at us (and sometimes by himself) for some time now, it hasn't been easy to get a picture of him doing so. Everytime we get camera out he starts to look very serious again so it was really great when I managed to snap this pose. He seems to be getting used to having his picture taken now so we are looking forward to having more examples of his smile in our albums soon :-)

On a roll ...

Rolling Over
Originally uploaded by akbandara.
The days seems to be just flying by and it's hard to believe it's mid-summer already. England has had one of the wettest June/July periods for a long time but luckily most of the rain seems to be in the day time when I am at work :-)

Kanthika is over 3 months old now and starting to become a lot more active. Today saw a major milestone when he managed to roll over by himself. He;s been trying to do this for the past week or so now and always needed a little bit of help from Uthpala or myself until today. However, just after lunch we put him down on his play mat and he suddenly rolled over in one go - I think he was as pleased (and surprised!) at we were at seeing the world from a different perspective all on his own. I can see him having alot of fun with this, although he can't roll back on his own yet so we're going to have to keep a close eye on him.

July 01, 2007

Feeding frenzy

Feeding frenzy
Originally uploaded by akbandara.
We put a bird feeder in our back garden but weren't ready for how popular it was going to be. Every little black dot in the background is a Starling and they seem to be taking turns at our feeder (left foreground). They get through about 500g of bird seed per day, although I suspect they could eat more its just that I can't put any more in the feeder!

Next door's cat sits at the window licking her lips, although thankfully I don't think she has been successful at catching one of these little guys yet :-)