February 26, 2010

Back after a long break ..

Blogging has not been a priority over the past couple of years, which is why there have been no updates here for such a long time. However, writing something on a regular basis is good practice for my day job so I thought I'd start doing this again. Even though I haven't been writing recently, I have been reading quite a lot of blogs - here are just a few that have held my interest:

Groovymother - Personal blog of former colleague and friend, Rod Begbie, who is now programmer extraordinaire at Slide Inc. in SF. URL: http://groovymother.com

dbjsjeyaraj - Blog maintained by Sri Lankan journalist, D. B. S. Jeyaraj provides excellent analyses of political situation in Sri Lankan, plus some great biographical pieces about prominent people from Sri Lanka and India. URL: http://dbsjeyaraj.com

transcurrents.com - News aggregation blog that allows writers with an interest in Sri Lanka to post their opinion pieces. The comments on the articles give some insight into the mindset of Sri Lanka's netizens - so not entirely representative but still interesting. URL: http:/transcurrents.com

groundviews.org - An excellent citizen journalism site - similar to transcurrents. URL: http://groundviews.com

Hope to post more updates here soon.

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