November 10, 2004

Unwelcome guests ...

Sometimes, just as I feel that I am getting a handle on my day-to-day life and beginning to act more mindfully (rather that in a reactive fashion), something comes along that puts a wrench into the whole works. It is like having unwelcome guests coming and intruding on the peace and quiet you have worked hard on building up. After a week of diligent work, avoiding laziness and generally positive outlook, the past weekend was one of utter sloth. Partly this was down to my catching a rather bad cold - but I found myself using this as an excuse to slip back into my bad habits of lazing around, not doing any of the work that is piling up around me and just looking for the next diversion from my perceived 'boredom' - from renting a few DVDs and pigging out on popcorn, to randomly surfing the web looking for more cheap thrills. On the whole, a very unsatisfactory experience, but I guess this is just how it goes sometimes. Only thing to do is to follow that age old advice from the movie "Swing Time" - "Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, take a deep breath, and start all over again" :-)