May 20, 2005

Exhaustion is no fun ...

As the deadline for getting a completed version of my thesis to my supervisor draws even closer, I am finding myself working harder than ever. It is not that I am a stranger to long hours - when I worked for Sapient, 12 hour days were pretty much the norm - but I can't say I enjoy this. Particularly when I find that writing about stuff that has already been done and written about (in papers) is the most boring thing imaginable. Trying to come up with new ways to say the same old things is harder than it sounds. I am now at the stage where I am no longer concerned about producing an elegant turn of phrase, or wording the explanation of a technical concept 'just right'. Instead I am just going to churn out the necessary material for each chapter and edit and play around with it once I have let my supervisor read through it. This is probably the approach I should have taken from the outset - but what can I say, you live and learn I guess :-)

Oh well, only a few more weeks of this slog - hopefully after that I can relax a little and this feeling of constant exhaustion will pass.

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