September 24, 2006

Moving On ....

Well, after 5 years the time has finally come to move on from my job at Imperial. I knew this was likely to happen ever since I finished my PhD last year, but thought it might take a while longer to find a new job. However, the Open University decided to appoint me a lecturer so I am going to start my new job there on Oct 2nd.

Leaving Imperial after so long - I have spent a total of 9 years on this campus if you count my time as an undergraduate - is a bit of a wrench. I will definitely miss the people and even to some extent the familiarity of the labyrinthine corridors of the Department of Computing here. However, it is not so bad because I am involved in a couple of collabarative projects which will give me ample opportunity to visit regularly.

The job at the Open University is exciting in many ways. First it is a lectureship, which promises a whole new range of tasks and responsibilities. Second, it involves moving to Milton Keynes which means a new house and new neighbourhood to get used to. Both Uthpala and I are really looking forward to settling in our new place.

I have a week off in between jobs at the moment and the majority of the free time is likely to be spent on packing up our flat. This is a little tricky to do beacuse we don't have a firm moving date yet. I am hoping the last of the legal paperwork is completed early next week and we can make more definite plans. Keeping all fingers crossed! ....

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