August 29, 2006

Buddhist Rap !??!

Imagine my surprise this morning the discover an article in "Metro" (a free newspaper distributed to commuters) suggesting the rap artist Eminem's lyrics have a Buddhist theme. I couldn't find a weblink to the article but to give a brief run down, it reports on a book written by someone who claims to have analysed Eminem's lyrics and found indications of Buddhist teachings. I have to admit this is somewhat far-fetched, not only because much of the lyrics are obscence and are abusive to various members of society, but also because the writer claims the lyrics "lose yourself in the music" allude to the Buddhist teaching of living in the present moment and finding oneself through meditation. I can't see the connection myself :-)

I wonder if anyone else has come across other weird connections between popular culture and the Buddha's teaching? ....

1 comment:

mt sinai said...

Eminem also says on his first album " can I be white, I don't even exist.." which is obviously a Buddhist belief, if not one of Eminem's own conscious beliefs